Stay Healthy, Mind

Titin Alfiani
3 min readSep 23, 2024


Seeking peace everywhere I go

Selfish people. Those who take advantage only for themselves, who mock others' misfortunes, who misunderstand and act thoughtlessly. They demand help yet refuse to be inconvenienced. Their needs are met instantly, while they often corner others with criticism. They live, constantly thirsty for validation, wanting to be seen as the smartest and most superior. They won't admit mistakes, belittle others with ease, and lack the courage to make decisions. Their emotions are volatile, their selfishness driving them to make everything conform to their will.

I find myself cornered, emotionally holding back against the pressure of such people.

Sometimes, I wonder, why is it that the older generation rarely offers me the chance to respect them, nor teaches me that humans are fragile beings? Just a slight nudge, and the glass shatters, pulling me into another realm of acceptance and sincere letting go.

I'm exhausted living among the very characters I wish to distance myself from. Why is it that people so rarely follow their conscience when they’re weak? Why do they seem to delight in making others stumble, indifferent to their struggles—when they themselves once felt the sharp sting of the same battles?

Is there a tendency in humans to seek revenge on the next generation? Is there a bias that makes them believe the younger generation deserves to be sidelined, their feelings ignored?

Are the so-called honorable leaders, the dignified mothers, the seemingly intelligent minds all too consumed by their own world and profits to learn that walking in someone else’s shoes requires empathy and sanity?

I am disgusted by the thorny words of people whose speech lacks any filter. I'm tired of empty advice, offered without the slightest reflection by those who preach it. It stings when conversations are laced with references to God, unaware that His name is being so cheaply sold.

How is it that even sorrow doesn’t stop people from speaking ill?

How much suffering must others endure before they realize the weight of human pain? Does it have to be the same for everyone?

Even though, in truth, no one knows who among them has lived the bloodiest life, whose prayers are the most fervent, whose wisdom quietly bends the universe in their favor.

How cruel must someone be, to force another into the depths of the ocean, just to prove that they themselves stand atop the highest mountain?

Is there no language here for the theft of rights? No hint of blue in the words they speak? Is it really justifiable to laugh at someone trapped in despair?

Can another person's life be so easily diminished simply because they don’t know one of the billions of things in this world?

I pity the children, burdened by layer upon layer of pain. From those whose words pierce like thorns. From those who refuse to listen. From those who thirst for praise. From those who feel righteous in every action. From those whose stubbornness is harder than the rocks by the shore. From those whose eyes only seek out those they deem beneath them.

I pity the children, trapped among power-hungry madmen. And there are many such children.

It turns out, trying to please everyone is an impossibility, while even satisfying oneself remains a lifelong task. Seeking justification is truly a dead-end. There's no justification that brings peace of mind—only an anxiety that leads nowhere. Clarifying something becomes a waste of time. None of it matters.

What’s the point? What is there to chase when fulfillment is something you create for yourself, not something you gain from others?

There is no perfection in human beings. And I, with all my fragility and humility, am learning to discern which traits are worth emulating and which deserve my reproach. This is about human nature—flawed from birth to death.

I, you, and we—may we always be granted the sanity to restrain ourselves from the demonic traits embedded within human souls, passed down from our ancestors, from the cruel behaviors that crush others.

Stay healthy, mind.

Please, remind that you deserve all the kindest in this entire universe containing human, body, and soul.

